Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Its a Bird. Its a Plane. Its.... Maleficent?

So today I invited Jennah over to play dress up with my new play set. She came as over as Maleficent but I didn't know she was really evil. Before I knew it she filled the whole house with a green smoke and I don't think momma is gonna like it. We had lots of fun and I found out that superman has one more weakness Maleficent and her magic.

This super cute photo prop is from the The Photographers Hunt. All hunt items are 5L and it is photography themed. If you would like to know more check out the hunt blog. It runs from Oct. 1st -31st.

Full Resolution Photos

✰ Me 
✰ Costume: [Spaz] TD Baby - I'm So Super Costume
✰ Hair: Action Inkubator Hair Louis
✰ Shoes: -DD- Mouse Keds Baby (Red)

✰ Jennah 
✰ Costume: {Blubb} Maleficent
✰ Hair: tram  E816 hair / shell&creamyellow  
✰ Staff: *MishMish* Malevolent Avatar

✰ Decor 
Little Llama - City Skyline Prop (Comes with free flying pose)

Now go out and Love Yourself
                                    ♥ Mouse

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Cookie Monster

I wanted cookies but momma had hidden them up high. What she didn't know is I like to climb and would do anything to get my hands on those cookies. So I stacked up stools and even used the phone books to get up to them. They tasted yummy but lets hope she thinks it was my sissy and not me that made the mess. 

 ✰ Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Sugar Rush Mesh Hair - Rye +  /Wasabi Pills/ Marin Mesh Hair - UNRIGGED - Rye (Heavy modding)
✰ Glasses: [ tomboi ] Wayfarer Glasses
✰ Shirt: New York G #10 [Baby] (No longer for Sale)
✰ Shorts: [Made With Love] Lt Blue Jean Shorts (B)
✰ Leggings: -DD- Mouse Leggings (Red)
✰ Shoes: -DD- Mouse Keds Baby (Blue)
✰ Socks: -DD- Mouse Sock Tops (White)
✰ Beanie: -DD- Mouse Beanie (Blue)
✰ Bracelet: Izzie's - Pride Bracelet
✰ Pose: ~*Buglets*~ Found the Cookies! Pose (Comes with poses and props for two kids)

Now go out and Love Yourself
                                    ♥ Mouse

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Sibling Rivalry

So I found these super cute dragon toys and just had to have them all but my big sister wanted my favorite one. I told her no but she cried and Momma came to see what was wrong. She wanted to trade me the green dragon but I didn't want to give mine up. Momma also went shopping for us since its fall and found use super cute mix in match sweater outfits that are a must have.

*The Neverland Gatcha event runs now till October 19th*

Full Resolution Photos

✰ Me ✰
✰  Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Sugar Rush Mesh Hair - Rye +  /Wasabi Pills/ Marin Mesh Hair - UNRIGGED - Rye (Heavy modding)
✰ Glasses: [ tomboi ] Wayfarer Glasses
✰ Sweater: -DD- Mouse Sweater B (Yellow)
✰ Tights: -DD- Mouse Leggings (Tiffany)
✰ Shoes: -DD- Mouse Keds Baby (Black)
✰ Socks: -DD- Mouse Sock Tops (White)
✰ Beanie: -DD- Mouse Beanie (Tiffany)

✰ Sila ✰
✰ Hair: [^.^Ayashi^.^] Tomo hair-Blond set (Tinted)
✰ Sweater: -DD- Mouse Sweater B (Blue)
✰ Tights: -DD- Mouse Leggings (Mint)
✰ Shoes: -DD- Mouse Keds Baby (Black)
✰ Socks: -DD- Mouse Sock Tops (Red)
✰ Beanie: -DD- Mouse Beanie (Red)

✰ Momma ✰
✰ Hair: !Oleander ~ Willow Essential Tones
✰ Sweater: The Secret Store - Oversized Sweater - Chalk
✰ Leggings: Gawk! Black Cotton Leggings - Maitreya Body Applier
✰ Shoes: Alyce Ugg Boots

✰ Decor 
All @ *Neverland*Events*Gatcha
Little Llama - Fluffy Dragons - Green
Little Llama - Fluffy Dragons - Red
Little Llama - Fluffy Dragons - White
Little Llama - Fluffy Dragons - Rainbow RARE
Little Llama - Fluffy Dragons - Orange
Little Llama - Fluffy Dragons - Pink
Little Llama - Fluffy Dragons - Purple
Little Llama - Fluffy Dragons - Cow RARE
Little Llama - Fluffy Dragons - Seafoam

Now go out and Love Yourself
                                    ♥ Mouse

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Peering into the Future

I got a new crystal ball and took it for a spin when all of the sudden it got foggy. I liked what I saw but it was very foggy and I wasn't able to make it out. Little did I know it was showing me I would go on trial with the best family ever. So maybe you will get lucky if you pick up a crystal ball from Collabor 88.

Full Resolution Photos

 Hair: Action Inkubator HAIR Jack
✰ Glasses: [ tomboi ]  Wayfarer Glasses
✰ Full Outfit: . tiptoes - Trickster
✰ Necklace: (Yummy) Pentagram Pendant - Silver - Blue
✰ Ring: (Yummy) True Fate Ring - Silver - Onyx

✰ Decor 
All @ Collabor 88
Trompe Loeil - Le Fay Cottage
[Toiz] tarot rug
[Toiz] tarotcard
Soy. Amethyst Cluster
Soy. Candles with Amulet Seat
Soy. Turkey feather
flowey x Teawood / Magic Textbooks
flowey x Teawood / Love Potion & Moon Dust
flowey x Teawood / Ritual Candle (w/light effect)
flowey x Teawood / Matches
flowey x Teawood / Crystal Ball *Modified*

Now go out and Love Yourself
                                    ♥ Mouse

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Alien Planet

I was exploring the other night before bed and suddenly I landed on a strange alien planet. It was covered in all kinds of creatures. Being me I had to pick them up for snuggles and they might be related to earth kitties because the made that strange noise my kitty makes when I pet him. So why not pick yourself up a few alien babies to have around the house. The cool thing is the kitties come with a hud and have 3 color options and the creator was super awesome and gave me copy versions so I can have all the kitties.
*The Arcade is open now until September 30th*

✰ Hair: [taketomi]_Shin
✰ Sleeper: *SprinklyWinks*  Real Hero *Alien* Costume
✰ Glasses: [ tomboi ] Wayfarer Glasses w/ HUD

All @ The Arcade
Trompe Loeil - Nesting Bed Galaxy
<:*BoOgErS*:> GoodNight Bear RARE
-Pixicat- Bastet.Sphynx (Sprawl)
-Pixicat- Bastet.Sphynx (Sit)
-Pixicat- Bastet.Sphynx (LyingDown)
-Pixicat- Bastet.Sphynx RARE (Hold 2)

Now go out and Love Yourself
                                    ♥ Mouse

Monday, September 7, 2015

Back to School

Its that time of year back to school. Are you ready yet? Have you got all your supplies? I sure have. The Playroom has all kinds of cute stuff this month. I was able to stock up for school in just a short amount of time. Buglets has a super cute outfit and even a desk you wear. So no more looking for a seat in class.

✰ Hair: TRUTH - Astra
✰ Top/Skirt: ~*Buglets*~ TD School Days Outfit  @ The Playroom
✰ Leggings: ~*Buglets*~ TD School Days Leggins  @ The Playroom
✰ Shoes: ~*Buglets*~ TD School Days Flats @ The Playroom
✰ Bracelet: ~*Buglets*~ TD School Days Bracelet @ The Playroom
 ✰ Necklace: ~*Buglets*~ School Time Necklace [Pencil - Bright] @ Hello Beatuiful
✰ Glasses: [ tomboi ] Wayfarer Glasses w/ HUD

✰ Decor 
~*Buglets*~ TD School Days Lunchbox @ The Playroom
Glamrus Kids . Leggo Notebook @ The Playroom

Now go out and Love Yourself
                                    ♥ Mouse

Friday, September 4, 2015

Little Wizard with Big Dreams

It's September and once again my big sister and brother get to head off to boarding school but not just any boarding school Hogwarts. I'm only 3 years old so my letter won't come for a while and that really stinks but there is a perk of them being gone. I already have been showing magical ability and who knows maybe my letter will come early. Doesn't hurt to dream and stock up on magical stuff. I hit the jackpot this round at The Arcade and my kitties and I wanted to try out our potion skills. The house may now be filled with a strange purple smoke but can you blame me I'm little and can't read.
*The Arcade is open now until September 30th*

✰ Hair: - TRUTH - Astra 
✰ Full outfit: [SKTD] TD Baby Boy Hufflepuff 
✰ Glasses: [ tomboi ] Wayfarer Glasses w/ HUD
✰ Hands: ~ToddleeDoo - HandPoses (Cute Bytes)
✰ Wand: EDYN ~ OAVIANDER'S - Graham's Wand v2.0

✰ Decor ✰
Remakable Oblivion - The Illusionist - Corvus @ The Arcade
Birdy - Hocus Pocus - Cauldron - Purple @ The Arcade
Aisling - DIY Love Potion - Ingredients shelf @ The Arcade
Aisling - DIY Love Potion - Philtres @ The Arcade
-Pixicat- - Bastet.Sphynx (LyingDown) @ The Arcade
-Pixicat- Bastet.Sphynx (Sit) @ The Arcade
Birdy - Hocus Pocus - Sphynx Kitties - Grey @ The Arcade
<:*BoOgErS*:> Witch Bear RARE @ The Arcade
Birdy - Hocus Pocus - Broom RARE @ The Arcade
-Pixicat-  Bastet.Sphynx RARE (Hold 1) @ The Arcade

Now go out and Love Yourself
                                    ♥ Mouse